Satellite Frequency Settings

Satellite Frequency Settings

2024-06-24 18:24:40

Satellite Frequency Settings

Satellite frequency settings are essential for receiving television broadcasts. This process involves several technical terms and operations, such as adding TP, creating a frequency list, and channel scanning. In this article, we will cover the basic concepts and steps you need to know about satellite frequency settings.

TP Addition

TP (Transponder) is a frequency carrier that transmits signals from a satellite. TP addition is done to add a new channel or update existing channels. To add TP, you need to select the "Add TP" option from your satellite receiver's menu and enter the required frequency, symbol rate, and polarization information.

Frequency List

A frequency list contains the frequency information of channels broadcasting through a particular satellite. Having an up-to-date frequency list on your satellite receiver makes channel scanning easier. The frequency list is usually updated automatically via the satellite receiver's software, but it can also be updated manually.

Channel Scanning

Channel scanning allows your satellite receiver to find new channels by scanning existing frequencies. During this process, the receiver detects all channels broadcasting on a specific frequency and adds them to the channel list. Channel scanning can be done manually or automatically.

Network Scan

Network scan allows your satellite receiver to find new channels by scanning all frequencies through a specific transponder. This method is effective in finding missing channels by performing a comprehensive scan. Network scan is also known as "Network Scan".

Blind Scan

Blind scan allows your satellite receiver to find new channels by scanning all frequencies through a particular satellite. This scanning method aims to get the most up-to-date channel list by scanning all frequencies and transponders. Blind scan is also known as "Blind Scan".

Commonly Used Terms

  • What is TP Addition (Transponder Addition)?: The process of adding a frequency carrier that transmits signals through a satellite to the satellite receiver. For example: You can add a new sports channel by entering the required frequency and symbol rate.
  • What is a Frequency List?: The list of frequencies that the satellite receiver will scan. For example: A list containing the frequencies of all channels on the Hotbird satellite.
  • What is Channel Scanning?: The process of the satellite receiver finding all channels broadcasting on a specific frequency. For example: You can find new channels by scanning a specific frequency range on your satellite receiver.
  • What is Network Scan?: The process of finding new channels by scanning all frequencies through a specific transponder. For example: You can add all channels through a transponder at 11555 MHz.
  • What is Blind Scan?: The process of the satellite receiver finding new channels by scanning all frequencies through a particular satellite. For example: You can find new channels by scanning all frequencies on the Astra satellite.
  • What is Frequency?: The number of oscillations per second of a satellite signal. For example: A channel broadcasting on a frequency of 12.015 GHz.
  • What is Symbol Rate?: The number of symbols transmitted per second. For example: A channel broadcasting with a symbol rate of 27500 KS/s.
  • What is Polarization?: The direction of the satellite signal (Horizontal or Vertical). For example: A broadcast at 11675 MHz with horizontal polarization.
  • What is a Transponder?: The frequency carrier that transmits signals through a satellite. For example: A transponder operating at 12.130 GHz on a satellite.
  • What is PID (Program Identification)?: The identification number that defines a specific program in satellite broadcasting. For example: A news channel identified with PID number 1001.


Satellite frequency settings are a technical and essential process for receiving television broadcasts. You can achieve the best results with operations such as TP addition, creating a frequency list, channel scanning, network scan, and blind scan. At Sencerhan Bilişim, we always provide the best service for your satellite frequency settings.

For more information about satellite frequency settings and our services, click here.